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Governance Statement for Lostock Hall Primary School – part of the True Learning Partnership

The main role of the governing body is to ensure the school is providing a good standard of education, care, welfare and safeguarding. It is also to oversee financial management of the school and to make sure its money is well spent. This is to be done in the spirit of the school’s moto of “fun and excellence”.

It does this by building an understanding of how the school is lead and managed. This is done by half termly governing body and committee meetings and by individual governor visits into school.

The governing body is also responsible for providing information to the Trust about the school’s operation and performance.

The particular responsibilities of the governing body are

  1. To help the school to set high standards by planning for the future, set and agree targets and monitor and evaluate school performance.
  2. To have input and approve the school development plan and ensure this ties into areas identified for improvement.
  3. To be a critical friend and hold school leaders to account for the progress and attainment of children. Governors hold the Headteacher to account for the performance management of teachers and the Headteacher’s performance management is conducted by governors together with an external adviser and the trust CEO.
  4. To ensure the sound management and administration of the school including financial performance. This includes reviewing finances and ensuring money is spent carefully and aligned to the school development plan.
  5. To provide a link to and help the school respond to the needs of local parents and the wider local community.

These roles are carried out in detail in the sub-committee meetings which take place termly. The sub-committees of the Local Governing Board are:

  • Curriculum, Standards and Welfare; and
  • Finance and Staffing

The Local Governing Board also meets once per term following the sub-committee meetings.

The governing body includes 4 parent governors, 2 staff governors including the head teacher and 6 co-opted governors. Co-opted governors are appointed by the Trust following the recommendation of the Governing Board and are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance of the school.

Governors always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents and the wider local community. You can contact the Chair of Governors (Mr Ben Sleeman) via the school office or via email to 

Please refer to The TRUE Learning Partnership’s website for full details on the Trust Board and how the local governing body works with the Trust to ensure the visions and values of The TRUE Learning Partnership are embedded at a local level.

Click here for more information

Minutes of Governors' Meetings

Copies of the minutes of Governing Body meetings are available from the school office

Lostock Hall Primary School

Mallard Crescent, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire SK12 1XG